The most important thing is to fully understand the problem before you start work on the solution.

We are surrounded by countless options when it comes to design. Lines, shapes, colour tones and textures present an almost infinite amount of combinations for us to create. Combining and matching the most suitable of all these options makes for great design,

It’s good to look at problems from the top (a birds-eye view if  you will). If you don’t understand the problem, and jump straight in we can make more work for ourselves later down the line (believe me – I’ve been there!).

Try to project yourself into the body of the end user or customer. Imagine what they want and need. Use these insights to find the solutions to your design problems.

Imagine that your unique style is the icing that covers the wedding cake, and cake itself is the solution to the problem. The solution won’t change, but the icing can be manipulated while the sweet sweet internals remain preserved.