Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months

Keeping cool in a hot office is a serious business. As professionals, it is imperative that we keep our cool at all times, so here are some tips on combating heat in summer:

1. Use a fan

Fans come in all shapes and sizes. You can quickly and easily create a home-made fan by folding paper or even by using your hand. Proceed to flap your paper or hand across the warmer areas of your body to produce cool air. Repeat this until the desired area is cooler.

2. Drink cold liquids

Liquids such as water are a great way of cooling your body down and provide essential hydration during warmer periods of weather. Water is readily available in most households from taps and hosepipes. If you run your finger under a tap for a couple of seconds, the water will run cooler. You can even pour water into a glass and put it in a fridge to cool it further.

3. Lie on the floor

Heat rises because hot air is lighter than cold air; its simple science. The warmer air is further up, so try to get as close to the ground as possible to find the cooler air. Keeping your mouth and nose as close to the floor while breathing will make sure you are inhaling the coldest air possible. Sometimes the air close to the floor in your house is not cool enough, so try digging a hole outside and breathing the air at the bottom of the hole. You’ll notice how much cooler it is!

4. Water on your head

The head is one of the hottest parts of the body because it sits highest up with all the warm air. Cool down your head at regular intervals by spraying it with misting spray (the same spray you might use for germinating seeds).

5. Total submersion

If all else fails, you can totally submerse yourself in cool liquid to bring down your body temperature. This works because the temperature of the water around your body is colder than your internal body temperature, so totally submersing yourself in cold liquid (such as water) will immediately bring down your body temperature.