Top five tips for organisation and productivity

As an adolescent, teenager and into my mid twenties I was happy to coast through along with little responsibility, because the more responsibility we get the more in our own interests it is to be prepared. I have found that at least trying to be organised has had beneficial affects on my working and personal life (not to mention my own psychological well-being). Here are a few tips I have learned about organisation and productivity:

1. To-do lists

Something as simple as writing a to-do list helps to structure your day and keep you focused on the task at hand, so carry tasks over from one day to the next if you were unable to complete them the previous day. At the end of each day, take five minutes to think, plan and write down what you need to do the next day. This is a form of release for your brain, as you know whats coming up, and can rest assured that you have less to worry about tomorrow.

2. Classic pen and paper

Many of us spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen. It’s great to use a traditional planner, pen and paper to plan your day. Plus its far more therapeutic to physically tick off a task with a pen than click a “done” box on a screen!

3. One thing at a time

It’s easier said than done, but your brain will thank you for only working on one task at a time. It takes about 30 minutes for your brain to tune into what you are doing and get in the zone, so flitting between tasks is bad for concentration and productivity. Try to concentrate on one task at a time.

4. Take short breaks

Give your brain some time to recover between tasks. Something as simple as making a cup of tea, or doing a quick Sudoku puzzle between tasks gives your brain and eyes time to rest.

5. Make planning a habit

Programming yourself to stick to a routine of planning is a great habit to have. Write down tasks each day, tick them off as you complete them and then take some satisfaction in looking back at all the great work you have completed over the course of the year.