Lancashire Wildlife Trust | Animated Icons


Lancashire Wildlife Trust | Animated Icons

These icons were created to aid in the promotion of Manchester festival of nature by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. The festival aims to raise awareness of the nature on our doosteps and how best to maintain it. The festival is scheduled to happen in Manchester during the latter part

MAN Truck & Bus UK Summit 2020 | Presentation Design


MAN Truck & Bus UK Summit 2020 | Presentation Design

I attended a truck launch event for MAN Truck & Bus UK. The event was hosted in Bilbao, northern Spain. Prior to and during the event I was involved in production, rehearsals, creating, editing and running through presentations and video content with board members. I

MAN Truck & Bus UK Summit 2020 | Video Production


MAN Truck & Bus UK Summit 2020 | Video Production

To aid presentations to sales teams during their 2020 UK Summit, and illustrate current processes in a more fun and visual way, I created several videos for MAN Truck & Bus UK. This started with storyboarding and getting the structure approved by the client. Once

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