“You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.” – Morpheus

Inspiration is a tasty mojito of our experiences. Things that leave a lasting impression and sit in our subconscious, waiting to be called upon when we least expect them. Keep your senses tuned wherever you go and add to the subconscious library of inspiration!

We as people like to stick with people we can relate to, and we don’t always like to be challenged. We need to break this mould. Hang out with people who don’t necessarily share your point of view. Listen to them. Maybe you don’t agree on many issues, but their viewpoint is probably just as valid as your own, and built using their own experience cocktail.

To free our minds we need to get out of  our comfort zones as frequently as possible without prejudice. Keep on conversing, keep making notes and observations.