Coronavirus & Home Working

I have always enjoyed working in close proximity to others. If I have the option I will always choose to work from an office rather than working from home. Having other people around to bounce ideas off, let off steam and joke around with gets me through the day and adds variety (plus upload speeds are usually better in offices). It breaks up your day into chunks which aren’t all work related, and gives you a bit of down-time between sessions of hardcore brain use!

The coronavirus has presented the majority of us with a sudden change in circumstances which has meant that we no longer have a distinguishable gap between work and home. Many of us are now being starved of the human contact and the team spirit that we are used to having around us during the working day.

Here are some of the things I’ve found to keep my social self content while lockdown and social distancing measures are in place:

  • Using video conferencing software | talking with friends, family and colleagues online more often
  • Calling people more often, and generally having longer conversations over the phone
  • Playing online games with voice chat
  • Talking with neighbours

It’s interesting to think that our minds will find alternate ways of getting a “social fix” when starved for a prolonged period of time. Luckily technology has brought us closer to each other than ever before without actually having to breathe near one another, which is a good thing in our current situation!