The Art Of Asking Questions

You will never look stupid for asking a question, despite some of the preconceptions you might have! Being able to get to the core of a task is key to being good at what you do.

Asking good questions can be an art form in itself, and help both yourself and your client really understand what it is they want.

Face to face questions are usually communicated subconsciously. Tiny facial expressions can actually communicate something different to what we are actually trying to say. We lose information from these discussions when we distance ourselves from conversations.

Is a short email enough for us to go forth and design exactly what the client wants? Probably not. Our clients are often oblivious to the amount of information we need as designers, and just naturally assume that we have all the information we are ever going to need.

That’s where asking questions comes in. I used to think that if I asked too many questions I would annoy the client; that infact is quite the opposite. One carefully planned email listing all your questions will actually give your client confidence that you are a professional and that you are invested in their project. Ask questions!