Today I found out I had been incorrectly referring to this global pandemic as CORVID-19. It turns out there is a difference between CORVID and COVID. Want to know the difference? Let me explain…

A CORVID is an intelligent bird. Rooks, ravens and even crows are classed as CORVIDS. These are the kind of birds that drop nuts at pedestrian crossings and wait for cars to run them over. So in reality, CORVID-19 means nothing other than the 19th CORVID you have seen that day (assuming you are counting them).

According to the World Health Organisation, COVID stands for “coronavirus disease 19”. The 19 refers to the year the coronavirus was discovered. There was also speculation online that COVID stood for “Chinese originated viral infectious disease” number 19. This has been confirmed as false by the WHO.

So technically CORVID-19 could actually be used as an acronym for the coronavirus and still be in line with official WHO naming conventions…

Which do you prefer? CORVID-19 or COVID-19?