Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months

Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months Keeping cool in a hot office is a serious business. As professionals, it is imperative that we keep our cool at all times, so here are some tips on combating heat in summer: 1. Use a fan Fans come in all shapes and sizes.

By |2021-03-14T12:03:43+00:00June 25th, 2020|Mind|Comments Off on Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months

Top Five Tips For Organisation And Productivity

Top five tips for organisation and productivity As an adolescent, teenager and into my mid twenties I was happy to coast through along with little responsibility, because the more responsibility we get the more in our own interests it is to be prepared. I have found that at least trying to be organised

By |2021-03-14T12:07:37+00:00June 1st, 2020|Mind|Comments Off on Top Five Tips For Organisation And Productivity
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