Pesto Pine Nut Pasta

Pesto Pine Nut Pasta Recipe Cook Time: 25 Minutes | Serves: 4 Ingredients Farfalle pasta (half a bag) Jar of green basil pesto Bag of pine nuts Bag of spinach Fresh flat leaf parsley Olive oil Method Fill a kettle to the brim with cold water and start the water boiling process

By |2021-03-14T11:54:51+00:00August 31st, 2020|Mind|Comments Off on Pesto Pine Nut Pasta

Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months

Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months Keeping cool in a hot office is a serious business. As professionals, it is imperative that we keep our cool at all times, so here are some tips on combating heat in summer: 1. Use a fan Fans come in all shapes and sizes.

By |2021-03-14T12:03:43+00:00June 25th, 2020|Mind|Comments Off on Top Tips For Keeping Cool During The Summer Months

Top Five Tips For Organisation And Productivity

Top five tips for organisation and productivity As an adolescent, teenager and into my mid twenties I was happy to coast through along with little responsibility, because the more responsibility we get the more in our own interests it is to be prepared. I have found that at least trying to be organised

By |2021-03-14T12:07:37+00:00June 1st, 2020|Mind|Comments Off on Top Five Tips For Organisation And Productivity

Coronavirus, Design & Homeworking

Coronavirus & Home Working I have always enjoyed working in close proximity to others. If I have the option I will always choose to work from an office rather than working from home. Having other people around to bounce ideas off, let off steam and joke around with gets me through the day

By |2020-03-31T22:29:42+00:00March 28th, 2020|Work|Comments Off on Coronavirus, Design & Homeworking

Build Trust

Building And Maintaining Trust Great work has two vital ingredients (much like Jack Daniels and Coke). A great idea and someone who likes the great idea. No great project was ever completed without a client who believes in it and trusts in you. In our lives and relationships trust enables us to be

By |2020-01-15T19:04:52+00:00January 15th, 2020|Work|Comments Off on Build Trust

Client Or Buddy?

Client Or Your Buddy? The word "client" is banded around all too often, and has negative connotations. I used to call them "customers", then a colleague got me onto "client" (in a South African accent). I have always dealt with customers or clients in all my jobs (many of which were not design-related).

By |2020-01-14T14:22:26+00:00January 14th, 2020|Work|Comments Off on Client Or Buddy?

Free Your Mind

“You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.” - Morpheus Inspiration is a tasty mojito of our experiences. Things that leave a lasting impression and sit in our subconscious, waiting to be called upon when we least expect them. Keep your senses tuned wherever you go and add to

By |2020-05-18T20:49:46+00:00January 13th, 2020|Creative|Comments Off on Free Your Mind

Understanding Problems

The most important thing is to fully understand the problem before you start work on the solution. We are surrounded by countless options when it comes to design. Lines, shapes, colour tones and textures present an almost infinite amount of combinations for us to create. Combining and matching the most suitable of all these options

By |2020-01-13T22:17:05+00:00January 13th, 2020|Work|Comments Off on Understanding Problems
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